Golang data types, variable and Constants

Golang data types, variable and Constants

Golang has the following data types

  1. Basic type:
    • Numbers
      • Integers
      • Floating-Point Numbers
      • Complex Numbers
    • Strings
    • Booleans
  2. Aggregate type:
    • Array
    • Structs
  3. Reference type:
    • Pointers
    • Slices
    • Maps
    • Functions
    • Channels
  4. Interface type


In go language we have signed and un-signed integers. Let's see the table of integers that we can define to save the memory

Data Type Description
int8 8-bit signed integer
int16 16-bit signed integer
int32 32-bit signed integer
int64 64-bit signed integer
uint8 8-bit unsigned integer
uint16 16-bit unsigned integer
uint32 32-bit unsigned integer
uint64 64-bit unsigned integer
int Both in and uint contain same size, either 32 or 64 bit.
uint Both in and uint contain same size, either 32 or 64 bit.
rune It is a synonym of int32 and also represent Unicode code points.
byte It is a synonym of int8 .
uintptr It is an unsigned integer type. Its width is not defined, but its can hold all the bits of a pointer value.


package main
import "fmt"

var myInt8 int8 = 2

func main(){
    var myInt int = 2506
    fmt.Println(myInt8, myInt)

Like above we can define the integer variables. Choose the integer type based on the number size.


String is immutable slice of bytes and the bytes of the strings can be represented in utf-8 encoding.


package main
import "fmt"

var myStr1 string = "Hello Wolrd!!"

func main(){
    myStr2 := "This is Batta"
    fmt.Println(myStr1, myStr2)


Booleans has only two values true or false. It's data type is bool


package main
import "fmt"

var valid bool = true

func main(){
    invalid := false
    fmt.Println(valid, invalid)


In Golang, array is a fixed-size collection of elements of the same type. The elements of the array are stored sequentially


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var a [2]string
    a[0] = "Hello"
    a[1] = "World"
    fmt.Println(a[0], a[1])

    primes := [6]int{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}


A struct is a collection of data fields with declared data types. Golang has the ability to declare and create own data types by combining one or more types, including both built-in and user-defined types.


package main

import "fmt"

type rectangle struct {
    length  float64
    breadth float64
    color   string

func main() {
    fmt.Println(rectangle{10.5, 25.10, "red"})


A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address data referenced by another variable. Pointers have the power to mutate data they are pointing to


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var title string = "Google"
    var pointer *string = &title

    fmt.Println("title =", title)
    fmt.Println("pointer =", pointer)
    fmt.Println("pointer data =", *pointer)
    // lets change the data
    *pointer = "Bing"
    fmt.Println("title =", title)
    fmt.Println("pointer =", pointer)
    fmt.Println("pointer data =", *pointer)


A Slice is a segment of an array. Slices build on arrays and provide more power, flexibility, and convenience compared to arrays.


package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
    var a = [5]string{"Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon"}

    // Creating a slice from the array
    var s []string = a[1:4]

    fmt.Println("Array a = ", a)
    fmt.Println("Slice s = ", s)


A map is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. It maps keys to values. The keys are unique within a map.


package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
    var m = map[string]int{
        "one":   1,
        "two":   2,
        "three": 3,
        "four":  4,
        "five":  5, // Comma is necessary


A function is an independent section of code that maps zero or more input parameters to zero or more output parameters.


package main
import "fmt"

// function
func average(xs []float64) float64 {
  total := 0.0
  for _, v := range xs {
    total += v
  return total / float64(len(xs))

func main() {
  xs := []float64{98,93,77,82,83}


Channels can be thought as pipes using which Goroutines communicate. Similar to how water flows from one end to another in a pipe, data can be sent from one end and received from the another end using channels.


package main

import (  

func hello(done chan bool) {  
    fmt.Println("hello go routine is going to sleep")
    time.Sleep(4 * time.Second)
    fmt.Println("hello go routine awake and going to write to done")
    done <- true
func main() {  
    done := make(chan bool)
    fmt.Println("Main going to call hello go goroutine")
    go hello(done)
    fmt.Println("Main received data")

Defining Variables

A variable is a named unit of data that may be assigned a value.

Declaring variables using var


package main
import "fmt"

func main(){
    var ten int = 10;
    var twenty int;
    twenty = 20

Short form of declaring variables without var


package main
import "fmt"

func main(){
    ten := 10;

Interface type

Interfaces in Go do not enforce a type to implement methods but interfaces are very powerful tools. A type can choose to implement methods of an interface. Using interfaces, a value can be represented in multiple types, AKA, polymorphism.


package main
import "fmt"

type Rock struct {
  Mass   int
  Volume int

func (r Rock) Density() int {
  return r.Mass / r.Volume

func IsItDenser(a, b Dense) bool {
  return a.Density() > b.Density()

type Geode struct {

func (g Geode) Density() int {
  return 100

type Dense interface {
  Density() int

func main() {
  r := Rock{10, 1}
  g := Geode{}
  // Returns true because Geode's Density method always
  // returns 100
  fmt.Println(IsItDenser(g, r))

Go Constants

Go supports constants of character, string, boolean, and numeric values. const declares a constant value.

package main

import (

const s string = "constant"

func main() {

    const n = 500000000

    const d = 3e20 / n



