Setup dev environment


install pipenv

  • pipenv is the new officially recommended packaging tool for Python
  • pipenv uses files Pipfile and Pipfile.lock for managing the application dependencies.
  • it works similar to bundler, composer, npm, cargo, yarn, etc.
  • install pipenv with below command
pip install --user pipenv

pipenv install - python

  • create a directory with name "django_tutorial" with command mkdir django_tutorial
  • change directory to cd django_tutorial
  • install the latest or required python version with below command
pipenv install --python 3.10
  • above command will creates two files

    1. Pipfile - Pipfiles contain information for the dependencies of the project
    2. Pipfile.lock - declares all dependencies (and sub-dependencies) of the project
    3. .venv/ - virtualenv for the project

activate pipenv

  • activate the virtualenv with command pipenv shell

install django package

  • To install django just run command pipenv install django
  • Specify the django version if required
  • After the command execution, it updates the Pipfile with django package dependency.

create django project

  • Run the command django-admin startproject my_project
  • It creates the django project and the current directory looks like below.
├── Pipfile
├── Pipfile.lock
└── my_project
    └── my_project

run development server

  • Change directory with command cd my_project
  • run the development server with command python runserver
  • Open the web browser i.e chrome and access page to see the below screen.

Django Welcome Page