Django send email
Importance of sending emails¶
- Emails play a critical role in web applications.
- From user authentication, password resets, to marketing campaigns, emails provide a direct line of communication with users.
Sending emials allows us to the following things
- Notify users about updates or activities.
- Send account activation or password reset links.
- Handle customer support queries or feedback.
Setting Up Email in Django¶
- The first step to sending emails in Django is configuring the email backend.
- Django supports multiple email backends such as SMTP, console, and file-based backends.
- For production purposes, we typically use an SMTP server.
- open the
file and configure the SMTP backend
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your-email-password'
- Replace the values with your actual email service provider credentials.
Find the most popular email service providers below.
Django code to send email¶
- Look at the code below to learn how to send the email in django.
from django.core.mail import send_mail
def send_email():
subject = "Django test email"
body = "Hey, I'm testing the django email functionality"
from_email = ""
to = ['']
send_mail(subject, body, from_email, to, fail_silently=False)
Types of emails in django¶
Simple Email¶
- Uses the send_mail() function to send a plain text email.
from django.core.mail import send_mail
'Message body',
HTML Email¶
- Sends an email with HTML content.
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
def send_html_email():
subject = 'Subject'
from_email = ''
to = ''
text_content = 'This is a plain text version of the email.'
html_content = render_to_string('email_template.html', {'context_var': 'value'})
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to])
msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
Email with Attachments¶
- Sends an email with file attachments.
from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
def send_email_with_attachment():
email = EmailMessage(
'Message body',
email.attach_file('/path/to/file.pdf') # Attach a file
Mass Email (Bulk Email)¶
- Sends multiple emails to different recipients efficiently.
from django.core.mail import send_mass_mail
message1 = ('Subject1', 'Message body 1', '', [''])
message2 = ('Subject2', 'Message body 2', '', [''])
send_mass_mail((message1, message2), fail_silently=False)
- Django provides flexible tools for sending a variety of emails, whether they are plain-text, HTML-based, or include attachments.
- By configuring the email backend and utilizing the correct email functions, you can seamlessly integrate email communication into your Django applications.
- For production environments, make sure to select an appropriate email service provider to ensure high deliverability and reliability.