Django retrieve data


Django shell

  • Run the command python shell open the django shell.
  • Write django ORM queries to insert data into the database table.

Django Model - Contact


from django.db import models

class Contact(models.Model):
    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    email = models.EmailField(max_length=255)
    phone = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True)

    class Meta:
        db_table = "contact"

insert the data

  • Let's insert some data which will help in understanding the retrieve queries.
from my_app.models import Contact

contacts = [
    {"first_name": "Johan", "last_name": "K", "email": ""},
    {"first_name": "Johanan", "last_name": "M", "email": ""},
    {"first_name": "Joharr", "last_name": "K", "email": ""},
    {"first_name": "Mani", "last_name": "M", "email": ""},
    {"first_name": "Rich", "last_name": "B", "email": ""},
    {"first_name": "Ammulu", "last_name": "D", "email": ""},
objects = [Contact(**d) for d in contacts]
results = Contact.objects.bulk_create(objects)

Retrieve all records - all()

  • use method all() on django ORM.
  • Look at the below query
from my_app.models import Contact

contacts = Contact.objects.all()
# output: <QuerySet [<Contact: Contact object (1)>, <Contact: Contact object (2)>, <Contact: Contact object (3)>, <Contact: Contact object (4)>, <Contact: Contact object (5)>, <Contact: Contact object (6)>, <Contact: Contact object (7)>, <Contact: Contact object (8)>, <Contact: Contact object (9)>, <Contact: Contact object (10)>, <Contact: Contact object (11)>, <Contact: Contact object (12)>]>
  • To get SQL from the django orm query just use query attribute like below.
from my_app.models import Contact

contacts = Contact.objects.all()
  • Above code outputs below SQL
SELECT "contact"."id", "contact"."first_name", "contact"."last_name", "contact"."email", "contact"."phone" FROM "contact"

Retrieve only one record - get()

  • use get() method on django ORM to get only one record.
  • Let's retrieve the record whose email is
from my_app.models import Contact

mani = Contact.objects.get(email='')
# output: Contact object (10)
  • Above, ORM query is equivalent to the below SQL
SELECT "contact"."id", "contact"."first_name", "contact"."last_name", "contact"."email", "contact"."phone"
FROM "contact" WHERE email=''

Retrieve matching records - filter()

  • Filter records whose name starts with "Johan"
from my_app.models import Contact

contacts = Contact.objects.filter(first_name__startswith='Johan')
# output: <QuerySet [<Contact: Contact object (7)>, <Contact: Contact object (8)>]>

Count matching records - count()

  • use count() method to count the matching records.
from my_app.models import Contact

count = Contact.objects.filter(first_name__startswith='Johan').count()
# output: 2

Iterate through ORM records

  • we can loop through the retrieved query results.
  • These also called as queryset results.
from my_app.models import Contact

contacts = Contact.objects.filter(first_name__startswith='Johan')
for contact in contacts:
# output:

Note: Django queries are very powerfull. We can do more by writing less code.
