Using sqlalchemy with FastAPI

using sqlalchemy with FastAPI


Install the following packages using pip

pip install fastapi sqlalchemy psycopg2-binary uvicorn

Create fastapi app

  • create a file under src directory.
  • Let's add the below code to create the app.

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()
  • Now, change directory with command cd src and run the fastapi with command uvicorn main:app --reaload.
  • We can able to see the API docs at http://localhost:8000/docs

Database connection with sqlalchemy

  • create file src/

Create database engine

  • add below code to create database engine
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

db_url = 'postgresql://awesome_user:secret@localhost:5432/awesome_store'

engine = create_engine(db_url)
  • we need to pass database url to function create_engine. It should be in the format driver://username:password@hostname:port/database_name

Create session using database engine

  • Create session class using sessionmaker using sqlalchemy
  • Add a utility function get_session to get the db session object.
  • By using session, we can execute the SQL and sqlalchemy ORM queries in the database.


from contextlib import contextmanager
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

db_url = 'postgresql://postgres:root@localhost:5432/awesome_store'
engine = create_engine(db_url)

LocalSession = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

def get_session():
    session = LocalSession()
        yield session

Create sqlalchemy ORM table

  • Let's say we have below table with name category in the database.
id name description
1 Bread staple food
2 Fruits Fruits
  • Now, create a sqlalchemy table/model object. To do that let's create src/ and below code.


from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import INTEGER, VARCHAR, Column

Base = declarative_base()

class Category(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'category'
    id = Column('id', INTEGER, primary_key=True)
    name = Column('name', VARCHAR(30), nullable=False)
    description = Column('description', VARCHAR(255))

Add sqlalchemy queries

  • By using the ORM table/model we can write the queries.
  • Let's write the below query to fetch all categories
  • Create file src/ and below code.
from sqlalchemy import select
from models import Category
from db import get_session

def get_categories():
  stmt = select(Category).filter()
  with get_session() as session:
    result = session.execute(stmt)
    return result.scalars().all()

Add GET api endpoint "/api/categories"

  • Let's add an api endpoint /api/categories to the fastapi app
  • To do that, open src/ and update the code as follows.


from fastapi import FastAPI
from queries import get_categories

app = FastAPI()

def get_categories_list():
  return get_categories()
  • Now access the above endpoint to see the data in the table. Find the sample response below.
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Bread",
    "description": "staple food"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Fruits",
    "description": "Fruits"

Detailed video
