Alembic DDL operations


required import statements

from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa

creating table with alembic

    sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
    sa.Column('name', sa.String(50), nullable=False),
    sa.Column('description', sa.Unicode(200)),

The above operation produce the below sql

CREATE TABLE product (
    name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, 
    description VARCHAR(200), 
    PRIMARY KEY (id)
  • To create table we need to use packages both alembic and sqlalchemy
  • sqlalchemy to define the table definitions
  • alembic to convert it into SQL equivalent query and execute it on the database.

add new column to the table with alembic

    table_name: str, column: Column,
    schema: Optional[Union[quoted_name, str]] = None)  None
op.add_column('product', sa.Column('category', sa.String(20)))

The above operation produce the below sql

ALTER TABLE product ADD COLUMN category VARCHAR(20);
  • It requires two arguments table name and column definition
  • For more info check official docs

rename table column with alembic

    'product', 'description', nullable=True, new_column_name='desc'

The above operation produce the below sql


ALTER TABLE product RENAME description TO "desc";
  • It basically requires table name, column name and other keyword arguments
  • For more info check official docs

add unique constraint on a column with alembic

op.create_unique_constraint('uq_product_name', 'product', ['name'])

The above operation produce the below sql

ALTER TABLE product ADD CONSTRAINT uq_product_name UNIQUE (name);
  • It basically requires constrant name, table name and list of columns as arguments
  • For more info check official docs

drop a constraint on a column with alembic

op.drop_constraint('uq_product_name', 'product')

The above operation produce the below sql

ALTER TABLE product DROP CONSTRAINT uq_product_name;
  • It requires arguments constraint name and table name
  • For more info check official docs

add index on a column with alembic

op.create_index('idx_product_id_name', 'product', ['id', 'name'], unique=True)

The above operation produce the below sql

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_product_id_name ON product (id, name);
  • It requires arguments index name, table name and list of column names and other optional params.
  • For more info check official docs

drop index on a column with alembic

op.drop_index('idx_product_id_name', table_name='product')

The above operation produce the below sql

DROP INDEX idx_product_id_name;
  • It requires arguments index name and optional table name.
  • For more info check official docs

execute custom SQL with alembic

op.execute('create view product_view as select * from product')

The above operation produce the below sql

create view product_view as select * from product;
  • In some cases, we can't complex sql operations with alembic. In such cases, we need to execute custom sql. alembic provides op.execute to achieve it.
  • For more info check official docs

add foreign key with alembic

drop table column with alembic


The above operation produce the below sql

DROP TABLE product;
  • It basically requires table name as param.
  • For more info check official docs
